
Welcome to the Brand
Famiglia, brother.

How you do it is equally important as what you do, if not more.
Well presented projects succeed, while poorly marketed projects fail.
Simple as that.

Welcome to the Brand Famiglia.

How you do it is equally important as what you do, if not more. Well presented projects succeed, while poorly marketed projects fail. Simple as that.

W H O   T H E   H E L L   W E   A R E
We are your
competitors' nightmare.

It’s a wild world out there. To make a splash, you need to stand out and be noticed. You need to have a personality and make impact. You need to stand for something. If you do it right, you really can make competitors disappear.

H O W   W E   D O   I T
Using design principles to drive business results.

Aesthetics - how something looks - is only a surface. What design trully is about is what it is, how it works and how it makes you feel.

Our services are vehicles, not the final destination.

Once an idea is presented in the right way it has the power to move people. As business people in love with elegant design, we know that possitive experiences lead to better results. That's why we do it and that's why we should do it together.

W H O   T H E   H E L L   W E   A R E

We are your competitors' nightmare.

It’s a wild world out there. To make a splash, you better stand out and get noticed.
To make an impact, it helps to have a unique personality and stand stand for something.
If you do it right, you really can make competitors disappear.

H O W   W E   D O   I T

Using brand principles
to drive business results.

Going beyond aesthetics - how something looks - is inevitable to solve business problems.
What we care deeply about is what your customers feel when interacting with your offer.

Our services are vehicles,
not the final destination

Once an idea is presented in the right way it has power to move people. As business people in love with elegant design, we know that possitive experiences lead to better results. That’s why we do it and that’s why we should do it together.

O U R   P R O C E S S

What it's like to go to
the action with us?

People don’t fall in love with people - people fall in love with personalities.
It’s possible to create personality for just about anything - products, companies,
musicians or any other type of project. And that personality is exactly
why your customers stay with you.

It pays off to use
a proven formula

We’re not magicians, heroes, captains or other weird names people put on their doors these days. We deliver results by following a simple process.


Phase One Discover

Where you want to be vs. where you are at
the moment. Together we define the final destination and reasons why you want to be there.


Phase Two Agree

After your comments, we finalize an agreement describing what is going to be done.

Phase Three Contract

A document describing the scope and milestones in more detail. By signing you give us a green light to start designing.


Phase Four Design

We work closely together and agree
on every milestone before we move forward.
At the end, the job is done.


* * *


Identity, logo, branding

Personal branding

 Web design

Print materials, packaging 

O U R   P R O C E S S
What it's like to go to the action with us?

People don’t fall in love with people - people fall in love with personalities.
It’s possible to create personality for just about anything - products, companies, musicians or any other type of project. And that personality is exactly why your customers stay with you.

It pays off to use a proven formula
Phase One Discover

Where you want to be vs. where you
are at the moment. Together we define the final destination and reasons why you
want to be there.

Phase Two Agree

After your comments, we finalize an agreement describing what is going to be done.

Phase Three Contract

A document describing the scope and milestones in more detail. By signing you give us a green light to start designing.

Phase Four Design

We work closely together and agree
on every milestone before we move forward.
At the end, the job is done.

So do you want to work with
nerds or businessmen?

The decision is all yours, but we'd like to think you prefer the 2nd option.
We use everyday words to describe and solve everyday issues companies face.
Let’s create an image that supports your business.
It’s easier together.

So do you want to work with nerds or business people.

The decision is all yours, but we'd like to think you prefer the 2nd option. We use everyday words to describe and solve everyday issues companies face. Let’s create an image that supports your business. It’s easier together.

You do choose your family.

You do choose your family.

 ©2017   Brandetta   I   Premium Business Munition
Kosice  I Slovakia  I  EU


Branding & Identity
Web & Online Solutions

Professional Presentations
Social Media Management

Packaging Design
Print & Offline Promotion
Multichannel Campaigns
New Product / Service Introduction


The Brand DNA
Customer Journey Map
Strategic Pricing Model


+421 904 920 528

SK45 8330 0000 0025 0169 1072
Hlavna 108  |  040 01 Kosice  |  Slovensko

 ©2019   Brandetta   I   Premium Business Munition

GDPR  |  + 421 904 920 528 
